Friday, November 10, 2006

real age

I took the real age test and it said I am 49 eeeeek! So I have promptly made some lifestyle changes. I am reading the You on A Diet Book (Oprah show) and doing the 14 day You diet. I started walking, stretching and choosing healthy foods only. I will pst how it goes.


CaliGirl said...

thanks for the link to this. i was very afraid to take this and wasnt sure i was going to....but i did. im 39.5 now...and my "real age" is 43.1. not bad i guess considering thats about how i feel lately in reguards to my knee problems and so on. i knew i would lose lots of years from what i eat...there is no way im going down to only eating 4oz. of red meat once a week....yeah right! i do know i have to exersice more and eat more fruits and veggies.

hugs to you.... :)

Reg said...

You did great. I think my past smoking drinking drugging and sedentary lifestyle knocked me up in the years.