Monday, August 20, 2007

School starts

I am thinking about deleting this whole blog. I don't have any urge to write here any more. I guess I will just let it sit just in case I change my mind.

I start school tomorrow and I am a little nervous. I always am the first day and then I am fine after that. This year will be even harder I am sure. I am taking a step aerobic class to try and get in shape, get healthy and increase my energy. I have two left feet so we will just see how it goes. HA.

Jared is so not hurt at all but isn't going back to the dr til 9/11 to get a release to return to work. I lectured Peter this weekend and said it is not his job to find work around our house so he can earn some money and it isn't his job to find work for him at his company. It is Jared's job and he isn't doing shit to get back to work. He got kinda defensive but then later I heard him talk to his ex and say the same thing to her basically that Jared isn't doing anything to get back to work to pay his own bills. Later at auntie Maria's birthday dinner I told him again that Jared is milking the system and that I have seen that sort of "you owe me mentallity" all the time at my job. I can smell fraud a mile away. Sad to say about his son but true. He is lazy and likes to play the victim at everything. What ever.

We still don't know if we will lose the house. We had an appraiser come out last week and should know today what it will take to save the house. I have a feeling we will have to come up with $40k to save it or else try to buy a new house. Who knows. I am trying not to worry about it any more because it wasn't doing me any good.

1 comment:

CaliGirl said...

please dont delete your blog...even if you dont post often. i tend to go off for a time also and then i get back into it again. you never know...its always a nice place to let off steam or ramble on about stuff in your head.

btw...i agree with you about jared 100%. something

hugs to you girlie.