Monday, August 06, 2007

Been forever since I posted

I really haven't felt much like writing. I imagine I will eventually just stop all together.

Still no word on whether we can save our house or not. The neighbors to the rt of us with the older kids walked out of their house this weekend. I had a feeling they lost their house because the weeds in both the front and back have taken over and anyone intending to sell or rent would not have left it in that condition. Long story short. I had the chance to talk to someone that actually knew them personally and she said they had gotten behind in their payments and gave up. I get scared that will be us. Although we could financial help. I am having my cousin's wife, who workers for a mortgage office, see if she can help. The other guy is still working on our case but we are at a stand still until we have the house appraised. I still don't feel hopeful.

In any case I offered to go back to work several times and Peter says no, to go to school like I had planned. I am registered for math, English and aerobics. After this math class I only have one more that goes toward the AS degree.

Aiden has been in swimming lessons. I don't think he will be going today though. It is cold and overcast. Stragne weather. Sat it was 105 then yesterday it was warm and windy as hell. Now today it is probably in the low 60's and full of grey clouds. he only has three days left in this phase. I was going to sign him up for another class which would run into college, but I am not. He isn't looking forward to going back to school. I originally had planned on putting him in three days a week. However, I didn't get the classes on the days I wanted so technically I have clase Tues and Thurs. again. Since we are in a financial pinch he will stick to two days a week still. We have been going to bed really late and getting up late these days so it is time to get aiden on an early schedule. I start my first class at 8 am this year instead of 9. We slept until 9:40 today though. I got no sleep last night going from Aiden's bed to the couch to Peter's bed. Jared is here for a few days trying to do stuff to earn money. He has been off of work for a few months with a shoulder injury. I thought in the beginning he wasn't hurt, but was all mentally depressed, because the ex girlfriend is now dating his ex best friend and she claims to love him and shit. Yeah right. Ha Peter is callling her the bitch now. She was supposed to pay internet service which was in Jared's name after they broke up but she didn't and now it is in collections. She also bought him a ring using Jared's credit at the Jewelry store and he is having to pay for it now and she won; give him the ring back. I told Peter see I told you so. You claimed that girl could do no wrong and that it was just me yada yadda. Now he sees her real side. He was having trouble with a woman at work. The lady that does all the scheduling, payroll, accounting and also because Peter's boss let her, decisions on which accounts to actually do work for. Well in his bosses eyes this woman walked on water, when in reality she was a bitch to everyone. So I told him it was like the same thing for Jared's ex and me. Peter's co worker quit. HA good. She offered to stay on until the new girl learned the ropes but the boss said nope, your gone today. He asked for all the keys and passwords. Another co worker found a file which was paid up in full but there was no record of it. They suspect foul play. So he will be checking into embezzelment.

What else? Not much. We went to the fair this weekend. Had an okay time. Aiden had fun and that was the important thing. I didn't bring my camera and wish I had. Aiden and his buddies Bradley and Natalie all rode ponies and some rides together. We have become increasingly more friendly with our neighbors. So we really have a huge mtivatin to stay. Our kids all play together and it gives us moms a break. Natalie who is 2 adores Aiden. She looks at him like she loves him all googly eyed. It is the cutest thing ever.

1 comment:

CaliGirl said...

I think we both are in that blogger funk lately for the same reasons. just not in the mood cuz of crap going on at home.

hang in there girlie. i think of you often and hope you are well.(funny how I do this and have never met...but i feel like i know you personally...crazy)

big hugs regina :)