Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Busy bees

In preparation for an appraisal, we worked around the house all weekend and also did some normal weekly chores as well. Peter's eldest son was supposed to come up and help but told his dad he had wanted to hang out with his friends. He asked Andrew and he declined as well. So Peter was pretty upset over that. I cleaned house and went grocery shopping on Sat. as I had no time last week. Peter mowed and edged the lawns. We both pulled out weeds (clover) from the entire front yard. We bought over 30 plants, pulled out atleast 10 and then replanted most of the entire front landscape. We also bought 4 1/2 yards of fresh bark and split some of it with our neighbors. All but 1 1/2 yards has been spread into the planters. Ofcourse we left tons of plants but replaced everything that was either not thriving or had been damage by the freeze over the winter. I will have, before and after pics if I can get them loaded. I have a really hard time now with the new photo software on my computer.

To top all that off, Aiden cought the flu and Thursday night woke up throwing up. He was over the worst of it by Sat. and thta is how we were able to get so much work done. Aiden still didn't feel so hot over the weekend and you could tell by his misbehaving in the afternoons. He finally got well enough to play with the neighbor kids on Sunday eve in their baby pool and Monday all day.

I have a few more plants to plant today, then after the bark is done we will tackle the area in our backyard which was supposed to have been a raised vegetable garden for me. Peter never built me a raised bed and nothing grows in the original soil because there is so much clay. So instead, we are going to build it up a little and make a gigantic sand box for Aiden and I will also put his water play table and a storage bench for his outside toys right in the box. That area sits on the East side of the house so it gets shade during the 5 pm heat. We will also put a swing set back there eventually. I want a pool something fierce but no can do now.

Tomorrow I go get auntie Maria and we will start tackling the inside list of chores. I am already so dang tired that by the weeks end I think I will be exhausted. I also need to throw a birthday party for Jared and Peter the 9th of June. We will be going to Six Flags on the 7th to celebrate like we did last year too. It is going to be a busy summer I an tell.

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