Monday, May 07, 2007


I have been sick for over a week now. On or around Thursday last week it turned into a sinus infection. I had amoxicillin at home that dad got from Mexico but it really wasn't working, so I went to urgent care yesterday and got a stronger antibiotic. I still am having a hard time sleeping because of the congestion but energy wise I am feeling a bit better now. Last week at school was the pits. All I wanted to do was come home and go to bed.

Sat we went and spent the day and evening at Ojiichan and Baba's house. I ended up doing tons of math homework there. It was a nice visit and we had some awesome meals. I swear no one can cook like Harumi. Uncle solar was there too with Quin.

He said that auntie Prozac, Carol, is off the hook. She had a police escort on one of the days she was picking up Seiji. She is still threating to take Seiji and move to Oregon while uncle Solar is in Austria for three weeks. I can't figure out why te hell she would want to do that. There are many many days where it is her turn to have Seiji and she will leave him with his dad saying she can't get him because she is too sick or her car won't start or any number of lame excuses. She isn't going to have that luxury in Oergon. I can't picture her mother or father taking up the slack. I sent an email to her asking if she really was leaving or if she was just trying to fuck with Uncle Solar's head. She didn't respond as I guessed she wouldn't. I am almost certain the whole reason she was all nicey nice the day she came to our house to pick up Seiji was to pump me for info about uncle Solar. I am glad I didn't buy into it. I pretty much just listened to her bitch. Oh can I call she says, crying , "I missed you." Yeah right bitch. Poor uncle Solar is really worried that she will do it. I guess even though it is illegal for her to do so, it is really hard to get the kid back. You have to jump through the court system hoops in order to do so. That is exactly what she wants. She wants the legal fee's etc to suck him dry. He also told me the reason he chickened out on that gal rom overseas was because he actually knew more about Carol when they got together and looked what happened. He really didn't know much about this asian gal and didn't want to make the same mistake. Whew, maybe all my questions about her sunk in. That was close.

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