Monday, June 11, 2007


I was still sick when we went to Six Flags. I didn't eat anything at the park. I just drank these snow cone like things. When we first got there until around 2, I was wishing I had stayed home or at the very least lie down in the car. I held up though and ate on the way home. I was too tired on Friday to get ready for a party, so I cancelled. Peter wasn't happy, but I was not about to put myself through trying to get it all done in one day. The kids spent the night Thursday night and went home on Friday for Jared's birthday party. We were invited, but I wasn't about to go and feel like a wall flower, when Peter knew everyone because him and his ex were married for 15 years. I told him he could go but I wasn't about to that it would feel too awkward.

I did clean house on Sat and Sun. It took me two days, so I know I wouldn't have been able to get that party done. I still haven't hit the grocery store. Peter went back to work today. Thhhhhp.

I took a break today and took Aiden to the park. It is hotter than the dickens these past several days. He layed down for a nap so I did a test patch on the wall to see if they finally got the color to match. So far it looks like we might have it. We will be done when I get all the Walls touched up. I am anxious to get this appraisal and to see what this mortgage guy can do for us. Some special program is going on for people who are upside down in their mortgage. I hope we qualify.

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