Monday, January 29, 2007

nuna nuna nugh, I feel good!!!

It feels like I haven't written in forever. I guess I have just been busy.

School was great. I have a tutor on Tues and Thurs at 1:00 which is 45 min after my last class. I am learning a lot of great study strategies already in my reading class. Friday I drove to Sacto. and had lunch with dad, Monti and her daughter and grandson. It was her daughter's birthday so I got her a card and a gift certificate for Border's or Walden's books. She is a teacher so I figured she probably likes to read. She said she did, so that turned out to be a good idea. Dad treated us all to Red Lobster. Saturday we just ended up picking up Peter's work truck from the shop and got supplies from Sam's club. Sunday we went to Ojiichan and Baba's house. It was really nice. No one else was there so we got a lot on one on one time. Even Peter left for a while to drop of his sister, Andrew, Heather and went to go give his older son, Jared his 30 day sobriety chip at MAD house.

I believe I forget to mention that I permed my hair. Permed hair is so out of style, but I did it for the sake of managing my time better. Before it took a really long time to dry my hair with the blow drier. Even though it is shorter it retains a lot of moisture and just takes too long to dry. With permed hair all I have to do is blow out the bangs and then dry the rest a little bit. Then I let it air dry the rest of the way when I am getting Aiden ready and off to school. By the time I get to my school it is almost all the way dry so I can pick it and go. It is still so so curly. I need to get a pic and post it. The last time I tried posting pitures blogger wouldn't let me. Hopefully I can soon.

Sent an email to my aunt that was in the hospital and it sounds like she has all of her wits about her. She has short term memory loss and still has a bit of trouble walking but is much much better. She is a medical transcriptionist from her home. She is back to working 2 hours per day. I miss my family. Since my mom died nobody ever really gets together any more. My mom was the common thread that held everyone together. The whole family feels that way not just me. Sad.

I have been thinking about nursing a lot these days. Reading blogs on what it takes. My only concern are the long shifts and being away from family so I amy do it part time while Aiden is still young. MY only other concern is the multiple years of waiting to get into the program. Even though there still is a shortage of nurses they still only allow a few students to begin each fall so I may have to wait two to three YEARS, to get in. I told Peter las night that if that is the case I may opt to go to a vocational school of I can get financial aid. The problem is the $30 of gas it takes to go to Sacto and back each day. That is a lot of money. It is because we drive such big vehicles. It may be worth while to buy a small fuel economy car just so it would be a cheaper commute. I figure where there is a will there is a way. No matter what Peter told me to do what I wanted so it is nice I have his support. I dig school and getting an education. I feel so friggin good about myself. I feel even better about myself than when I was working and bought a house on my own. There is just something to be said for having the drive to get up and go, to discipline myself to study and do homework, to successfully pass, gaining knowledge, practicing percerverance (sp?) , etc..........

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