Sunday, April 01, 2007

vomitting, Auntie Prozac, reading

Lesson learned this Sunday: Always check on Thursday to see how much reading/homework I actually have to do before I decide to put it off. I started my reading late Sun. It is about a 20 to 30 page (large pages) article on the Cultural Environments Facing Business. I am to read it and outline it, then study it for the upcoming mock final. Shit I started late.

Aiden began projectile vomiting Sat early am. He did not stop until late that eve. We did atleast 5 loads of wash through out the day because he would sometimes not get to the bowl in time, and well, you know spray the blankets and pillows and clothing with splashes of the contents of his tummy. He would get so thirsty, ask to drink luiquids, inevitably drink too much an then vomit it all back up. Poor little guy. To top it off we get a call from Uncle Solar saying he can't get a hold of Carol, that he needed to bring Seiji up because he had a flight to catch Sunday am for his job. We told him Aiden was terribly sick but he had no other choice I guess. What ever. So finally they arrived after midnight. WTF? Peter had to wait up for them and I thought that was terribly inconsiderate. He had even brought Quin too but took him back to Sacto. evidently because he was gone when I woke up.

So, Carol finally called Peter back around 11 am. and said she would come pick Seiji up. She didn't show until 3:00 pm. She came in, took a tour, and chatted for a while. Nothing much has changed about her. Her conversation was mostly consumed with griping about Uncle Solar for this or that and the fact that she is suing her ex-employer for discrimination. She apparently has a genetic medical condition that affects her immune system. Having to do with components missing from her blood. She said something about receiving 70% of her salary for the rest of her life. Although I have no idea who is footing that bill. Once a month she goes to the Cancer Center to get the missing components of blood put into her system from donated blood because that is the only place that does it. Did that make sense? It takes 4 hours and cause fatigue and dizziness. She says this disorder is the reason she is so tired all the time and the reason she apparently takes so long to heal from bruises, injuries or surgeries. She expressed the desire to see each other again and to get together once in a while. I didn't say no, but when she left, I just felt like that is not going to be a good idea. I am going to have to put up major boundaries if Iwas to ever go there again. She asked if she could call me to which I had replied yes. Upon leaving she gave me a hug and said she missed me terribly and started crying. I have missed our friendship, but I have not missed the negativity, nor have I missed the...I am at a loss for words to describe this. Um, the lack of follow thru, the lack of showing up, the lack of returning phone calls. I haven't missed any of that. I was wore out before she even left at the amount of info and complaints she was willing to discuss about Seiji's father. Eh, hem, stuck in the middle again. Besides we were told by uncle Solar, that she told him, that she didn't want Seiji staying at a meth addict's and alcoholic's house. I am sure this was a pay back to a letter he wrote her about not wanting Seiji to be watched by her pill addicted friend/coworker. Still to say that and then come into our home and act like a victim? Nerve. Here is a woman who, in my eyes, does not wish to take responsibilty for her own circumstances and mental state. Sure she has depression. It is what she does to ensure she stays in that constant state, so she can continue playing the victim that gets my feathers ruffled. I know because I used to be the same way. Sometimes I teter back on that fence again but it isn't cnfortable there any more so I don't stay there for very long. Thank God.

Enough said.

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