Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I caved and started kissing him again. The kisses were probably some of the better ones I have ever received but i truly havent been able to enjoy them or let them progress because I have been so bitter still. He left his meditation book open to a page which talked about bitterness so I left him a note and told him did he refer to his own self or just me. He won't answer me but I don't care.

My throat is really sore this afternoon and I just hope I am not getting sick. We don't have class tomorrow but I wanted to get more Christmas shopping done with Aiden at daycare. Peter is due to get his bonus some time this week and we both are very curious as to what it will be. If it is less than $10k he will be in a pissy mood. If it is only $2k I will be mad at his boss as usual. Peter works too hard and deserves a big bonus. It isn't about the money so much as it the principal and how rich he is making his boss.

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