Monday, November 13, 2006

Definately sick

We spent the whole day Sat and into the evening at Peter's parents house and I didn't feel too bad and it was a really nice visit. We ended up seeing uncle Solar and Seiji over there so he didn't have to drive here. Then on Sunday my dad and Monti came over and visited at our house. Monti brought up a pork loin cooked in the crock pot with onions and cherries. It was pretty darned good. So I made brown rice cooked with chicken broth and a butternut squash. Thank heavens it was easy stuff. I felt sick on Sunday and super tired but I hung in there and visited.

Now today is another story. I had to get up early because I am so completely stuffed up. I was drooling all over myself from breathing thru my mouth. Talk about cotton mouth. Any ways up about an hour before I usually get up. I went straight for the cold medicine and a cup of coffee. I got a really sweet note this am. It said Goodmorning Mrs. ....... (Peter's last name) Hope you feel better today. Stay warm and dry. Love Peter. I called him right away and thanked him. he is on his way to Sparks Nev. to do reapir work, Blah. Sometimes he get stuck doing it because the customers specifically ask him to because they don't trust anyone else, so ofcourse Peter never says no.

Oh heavens it is going to be hard with Aiden today.

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