Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Pumkin pie season

Day what ever on You On a Diet and I have kept up with my walking and eating until today. A pumpkin pie was calling out to me at the grocery store. Bought it and I am now sitting here at 11:39 pm eating a slice. I caved because I kept thinking about having one all night long.

I am feeling the exact opposite of last week. I don't feel so depressed and I have energy now. A lot more than last week. I think a big part of it is hormonal too. I need to go back on the pill. I get pms really bad and terrible mood swings. I think going back on the pill would help. The problem is that I have no insurance now. I thought about going to planned parenthood to see if they could help out. I am due for a pap this month any way. Maybe I should go to the clinic I was going to since we moved here. I am not sure what to do.

I still think Jared's ex girlfriend is a bitch and I don't have any problems telling Peter either. I guess she emailed him recently saying she misses Jared's family. Yeah she missed getting help financially from Peter. I had written an email to Jared a few weeks back saying that I bet she has his camera and the reason she put her myspace on private was so we couldn't see the ongoing pics. So he never responds to me but she does and says a bunch of immature crap and to stop thinking that she is heartless and would mow Jared over. She talks about that Jared's behavior made her realize she needs to focus on school and work. Yet she was the one that fucked the neighbor guy and now she has a pic on her myspace profile of her and some dude with is hand on her boob. Yeah I know where her focus is. She is two faced and Peter still thinks it is all my fault that her and I don't get along because I was on meds when she stayed with us two summers ago. That story is really long and I don't feel like typing everything that happened. Well enough of that. I better go to bed.

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