Friday, November 17, 2006

I wrote a big ole long post yesterday about being depressed and ditching school and ow I finally took a shower after 1 and dragged my ass to the grocery store. Then blogger was down for maintenance. Man I hate that and there is no way for me to save it except copy and past to Word or something but I didn't. I opted to be depressed AND pissed off.

Now I am back to just depressed.

Andrew has been taking Morphine and some other hallucinagenic drug. He was acting strange and not talking in coherent sentences on Wed night. He peed on his mom's kitchen floor. I would have taken my son to the hospital and had his stomach pumped, but that is me. She is taking him to an NA meeting tonight. One that I used to go to when I lived at MAD house. I guess Andrew didn't tell her about the drugs but his girlfriend, heather did. She said he has been getting the stuff at school. As for Jared he doesn't come home anymore and is hanging out at his friends house. This friend got him a job selling cell phones but Peter said "I think he is a faggot and is stringing Jared along". I don't think he meant faggot faggot he always calls losers such as my exhusband a faggot.

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