Thursday, November 02, 2006

I guess Jared is going to come spend some time at our house to get away from it all. I am going to go pick him up tomorrow after he gets his paycheck. My dad's gf isn't feeling too hot still so we are going to shoot for tomorrow and even if she can't go I may go and drop off Aiden at Ojiichan's house.

Today is Aiden's actual birthday and I sent him to school. I think he would have a much better time at school than at home any way. He was stuck at home with me all day yesterday. Although he didn't seem to mind playing with his toys and painting the dog neon orange when I wasn't looking. I had to put a stop to that real quick. Aiden had to not move in the kitchen while I threw the dog in the bath tub and close the door. Then I had to clean Aiden's feet before he could even walk to the bathroom to wash his hands and arms. Then I had to clean the tile and grout before it set in before I could even wash the dog. That whole fiasco was a pain but when all was done I laughed. Grandma Monti got a good laugh out of it this am.

My dad is in Branson,Mo. and called to wish Aiden a happy Halloween. I had to cut it short though because I felt sick. I missed out on Halloween from feeling like barfing so Peter had to take him trick or treating. I will have to show Aiden on a map where Papa is. I got to go to Branson when I was married to my first husband who had relatives in the rural town of Macon, Mo. They drove me to what is now the College of The Ozarks. When my dad went there it was a boarding school and a self sufficient community. They raised their own meat, grew their own crops, and generated their electricity, etc. His high school reunion is this month. When we went though the tour was closed and I just walked around the college. My ex got the pics from our trip and that is the only thing I regret not taking. I got some really cool photo's. Dad and Uncle Gordon are going to visit cousins while there. Pretty cool if you ask me.

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