Friday, November 10, 2006

illness sucks!

I think I am getting what Aiden has. In the middle of the night my throat was sore. I sucked on a cough drop all night long. Took lots of sips of water to help eas the pain. I am stuffed up too. Having to take a decongestant and even nasal spray. Ughh

Now today I am so tired. I need to get the house straightened and clean again for visitors tomorrow but the hell with it I am going to take a nap when Aiden does in about 35 minutes. I was going to do art crafts with him but I am just to tired to get it done and then cleaned up. I plan to have him make Christmas ornaments out of home made self hardening clay. I got this art book I bought through Book of The Month Club and it is all about arts and crafts for 3 to 6 year olds. What a fun book but I need to get a ton of supplies. He just loves art and to make messes but I really have to be up for it I tell you. It is not an every day event around here like it is at his preschool. They do art every day sp Aiden brings home tons of projects that he made and I am putting them in Scrapbook albums and all over his wall and a small wall in my bedroom. Those things are so cute. Peter is always saying, you can't keep all of his papers the rest of his life. I usually reply yes I can.

Any ways hope everyone has a great safe, fun, and healthy weekend.

1 comment:

CaliGirl said...

hope you found time to get some rest before the family get together. hugs