Thursday, November 30, 2006

Trans Siberian Orchestra

Apparently the meeting at the school lasted 2 hours. The school psychiatrist, teachers, principal, counselor etc were there along with Andrews parents. He was officially diagnosed as emotionally disturbed, bipolar, some anger diagnoses and addict. Since he is finally diagnosed the SD can put him in a drug program and it will be payed for. They are sending him to a new school to get him away from all of his drug buddies. I guess the VP stated that he better not f off like always because she is pulling strings to get him into the most sought after school. His meds were switched recently and his mother reports that his anger explosions are less frequent and liveable. Let's hope that Andrew doesn't turn out like Peter's sister who has never gotten clean and has been in and out of mental institutions all her life. (She is still in one right now trying to get clean again) Peter's sister is bipolar also. Boy I pray that Aiden doesn't have all those problems.

We got a call last night from Uncle Solar who asked for me on the phone. So I assumed he wanted me to watch Seiji. Boy was I wrong. He said that he wanted to treat me and Peter to a concert but that we would have to pay for transportaion. He would pitch in for lodging. I said okay? So the trip was to go see a concert, Rod Stewart to be exact. Here is the catch. It is for Feb in Madison Square Garden. I had a momentary brain fart and asked where is that. he replied New York and at that moment I felt like the biggest idiot that ever walked the face of the earth. Any way I guess I sounded less than enthusiastic so he went through all the possible reasons which boiled down to leaving Aiden for a few days. In the end Peter talked to him the next day and told him no. His brother called me in the middle of class today and asked me to call back. I haven't yet and I am not crtain that I need to as Peter already talked to him and instead asked him to pick up 4 tickets to Trans Siberia Orchestra at Arco. Looks like we will be taking Andrew and his gf if they want to go.

1 comment:

CaliGirl said...

IMO you made the better choice....Trans Siberia Orchestra is WAYYYYYYYYYY better then Rod Stewart.

hope he can get you those instead...

hugs to you :)