Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I asked Peter again about getting engaged and getting married. He said "are you asking me if I am going to buy you a 1 carat diamond." I told him" it was more than that. Are we ever going to get engaged and married." He said "what do you think." I said "what do I thinkl what you think. What the fuck...why are you playing games." Then he was all mad because I got mad and said well" a lot depends on your sobriety and you haven't told me or shown me what you are going to do about it." He is right I haven't gone back to AA yet and I haven't called my new sponser. But I got all pissy with him and said, "I didn't know Ihade to report to you" He eventually said "Yes I still want to marry you." But that is as far as it got. We argued a bit more. He was made because I was so defensive and I was so mad because he was plaing games instead of just getting to the freaking point. So then we just stopped talking after that. I was busy washing the dog and giving Aiden a bath and putting laundry away so he didn't follow me aroud the house. I did eventually tell him what I plan to do about AA. I have been totally embarassed to go back and say I relapsed. That horrifies me. I know I have to though if I want to stay sober. So today is Tuesday and my normal day to go. Who know Peter may be following me today to see if I really am going to a meeting or not?

1 comment:

Reg said...

It flew by, that is for sure. Happy birthday Brennan!!!