Monday, October 16, 2006

Since Aiden was sick on Thursday I missed class and have to go into school today to make up a test. I think I am pretty prepared since I studied all the way to Sacto and back home again yesterday. I hate math but this class isn't so bad because the teacher explains everything and we go slow and I ask a ton of questions. I am certain the majority of the class hates my guts because I ask so many questions. Fuck what do these teeny boppers expect. I haven't had to do any of this stuff for over 20 years. We are learning what I should have learned in the 7th grade. I think kids these days are learning this stuff in grade school now.

We were going to visit Ojiichan and Baba yesterday but they were busy so we drove down anyways to give his oldest son gas money and had lunch at the restaraunt his girlfriend works at. I must say it was a great burger. It was a lot like In and Out but they carmalize the onions before putting them on. Yumm.

I had asked Peter via email whether or not I had to wait an entire year again to get married and if he had told his brother to stop looking at diamonds. Well he never answered me. Over the phone on Friday he said we would talk about it at home that night. Neither of us brought it up again but it has been on my mind every second. I am pretty certain by his lack of repsonse that he is non too eager to get married now. I was getting so excited about being a wife again too. Aaahh nuts.

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