Wednesday, August 30, 2006

So far math has been easy. I wish it was that way the whole class. I also wish I would have signed up for a second class. I found out that reading would have been a good class to take from a classmate. Her counselor recommended it because it gives all kinds of study tips. I think I will take it next semester with my math class. In some ways I wish I could go full time already. The plan wasn't to start full time until Aiden was in school full time.

Peter's boss with held $1000 from his check again last week (can't remember if I mentioned) and the bastard hasn't handed it over yet. Peter made a half million sale yesterday and his boss was still an ass to him. The guy has taken atleast 8 vacations this year already and was complaining yesterday that he was having to work in the office. I personally think he went back on the booze and is moody but who knows. I know Peter is ready to tell him to "go suck eggs." Last week his boss said he couldn't make payroll because customers haven't paid up yet. So Peter went out and collected a lot of money owed to the company which leads me back to the opinion that his boss can't afford to pay him and that is why he is withholding the money. Now if the jackass would stop going on trips to tahiti and jamaica he would be able to.

I should go to the grocery store today to get veggies and a bit of fruit but I don't feel like it. I guess if I get my ass up and ready I could go to one of the local veggie stands close by. I just feel lazy. I worked pretty hard yesterday getting the house clean and now I don't want to do anything but I don't want to be bored either. Sometimes doing stuff soley for Aiden, ie the park, etc gets boring. he loves it though and I feel like a better mom when I do so I may just turn it into an Aiden day.

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