Thursday, September 21, 2006

5150 update and farting

So Peter came and told Andrew that they needed to take him to the hospital to get checked out. Andrew refused, went out side and perched himself up on the back fense. So his mom eventually called the police and Peter told him you can either do this the hard way or the easy way. Andrew chose the easy way and they rode in his mom's car with Peter in the back seat to make sure he did not jump out of the car.

They got to Kaiser ER and it was packed and over crowded. It took hours to be seen and they were put in a room to wait for the psych dr to come. She did not arrive til after 3:30 or so. After evaluation it was decided Andrew should be admitted to a psyche ward/drug rehab.. They do not have that kind of treatment at the Kaiser hospital so they first had to find him a bed at the hospital and then they were referring him and transporting him to Sutter psyche (lock down facility - same place Peter's sister gets locked up in) Andrew was angry that he was at Kaiser and that they were admitting him to psyche ward but as the day wore into evening he was less angry. Peter did not get home til 7:30 or 8 I can't remember. he got a flat on the way home and had to change the tire.

I am so self centered! First off I told Peter a while back I don't want him and his ex to drive one another. This case it was 100% necessary so I didn't get mad. As they both had to be there for Andrew and spend an entire day together ofcourse they probably talked. I got concerned about that in my head. She tends to babble about her own unhappiness with her home life to Peter and I friggin hate that. Any ways Peter had gas and was farting (no holding back) as they sat in the room. His ex's comment was, "you haven't changed a bit" I told Peter that I felt uncomfortable knowing she said that. He was like it is about farting why would you be uncomfortable and I told him that "you spent 15 years married together and for her to recognize a habit of yours after so much time lapsing makes me uncomfortable" He said jimini crickets which is his way of saying that is stupid. So I said loudly and emotionally "that is my feeling and you are not to tell me my feelings are stupid" He said I didn't say it was stupid so I explained that yes saying jimini crickits does not validate how I feel. So he said he was sorry before I got even more upset. How else am I supposed to feel when his ex told me she still loves him. It is no different than how Peter feels when I have spoken to my ex. He gets all bent out of shape to the point of calling my ex and saying "don't ever call my (my name) ever again or I will break your fucking neck." See I don't get as spazzed, but I know I am self centered when I get jealous like that. I am actually a hypocrite really because of all the times I have spoken to my ex and secretively to boot.

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