Thursday, September 14, 2006


Had another quiz today. I hope I did well and didn't make stupid mistakes like last time. I went over it twice and it all appeared to be correct. That frigging knot in my shoulder is coming back so now I know it is test anxiety.

The gal that sits next to me is a bit competitive. She shows me her notebook and how it is organized and all of her homework making the subtle suggestion that I shoud do the same. I tend to like my folders. They are both spiral bound and I keep one strictly for homework to hand in and one strictly for notes in class. She has everything loose leaf in one folder separated by a tab. When she turns in her homework it will be pulled out and stapled together whereas mine will be the entire folder handed in. Who knows which is better but what ever works for yourself should matter so I am not changing mine. I think for the most part she is trying to be helpful but I get theimpression that she thinks her way is much better. Could I be the one that is competitive? Well it doesn't matter each way is acceptable to the teacher.

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