Monday, July 10, 2006

Good weekend

All in all we had a good weekend. We thought the boat was fixed and took it back to the lake on Sat. We were out there no longer than 15 minutes before it started to over heat. So Peter is taking it back in a third time to the shop to have it fixed. If that doesn't do it he is parking it back on his bosses property for good and let someone else deal with it. Aiden loved it though. Daddy went a little to fast for the both of us at one point but slowed down when he saw how upset Aiden was. We ended up swimming in the lake again that afternoon then came home and did chores. Sunday was spent shopping and doing laundry. Peter cooked a wonderful spaghetti dinner. I have saved his sauce and froze it for those times we come home late and want a quick dinner.

We are still in the process of researching our Teriyaki sauce. We are going to the board of Equalization to get a business license and a whole sale license. I am also contacting the USDA to determine if our product has to go through inspection to to meet their standards. It appears the biggest issue is the Ph balance It can't have too high or too low acidity. From there maybe they can helps us determine shelf life opened and unopened and labeling information required by law.

I talked to my dads girl friend last night about the sauce. She brought it up by saying the batch we sent home with dad was terrific and she said we should sell it. Ha I told her we were already thinking about it and are in the process of doing to th foot work. Dad brought up an interesting point about what if someone believes we copied their recipe. I can't imagine since Peter's recipe is so uniquely his own. It is a bit more sweet and spicy than most which is why it gives meat such a fantastic flavor and locks in moisture. I have gotten Peter a little more excited about it and he will be passing out sample size jars with an order form to everyone he runs into through work. He is after all a salesman and is really good at it. He should be for making a six figure salary!!

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