Friday, July 14, 2006

My all time favorite blogger, Dooce, has cancer and I was so saddened to read it on her blog this week. I sent an email today as I have in the past but I never know if she reads them or not. She gets bombarded every day with emails so she hasn't got the time to respond. I just wished her a speedy recovery and that they get all the cancer out.

It is too hot to be outside today and Aiden is nasaly again. He woke in a coughing fit last night and was congested and couldn't breath. It pisses me off because every time he comes home from daycare he is sick. I don't understand why his immune system doesn't fight this stuff off. My dad keeps saying that kids just get sick a lot and as they get older their bodies do start fighting.

On the fourth of July one of the kids must have spit a windermelon seed down the bathroom sink. The other day I went to use it and growing up the drain was a sprout so I pull on it and up came the seed attached to the bottom. I use water from that tap a few times a day and that must been enough to keep it alive and growing. It is the most bizzare things I have ever seen. I left it for Peter and he flipped out thinking it was coming all the way up from the ground some how.

I just got a call from his oldest sons girlfriend. We had made plans to have them come up the 22 and 23rd to stay with us. She said that Peter changed the date to 28th and 29th. It really pisses me off that I am constantly the fucking last person to know what is going on and he doesn't even ask me or include me in the planning. Not that changing the date won't work just that I feel he should involve me since I am more than just a bloody roommate!! Any ways they may cancel cause his family on his moms side are having a family reunion in San Fransisco and Jared and Andrew may want to go. I told her it wasn't like we had reservations any where so we could plan another time. It was polite enough of her to call first. We tolerate each other now. I still at times want to tell her when she is around my kid not to tell him what he can and can't do because it isn't her job. I vowed if it continued I would tell her politely instead of keeping it all bottled in and then exploding like I did last year.

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