Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Our external hard drive where we load and store our pictures is down so I can't post any of the new hundreds of photos I have taken:(. I am really bumed about that and am having withdrawals over that.

Speaking of withdrawals, I haven't had any for months and on the 14th I will have 6 months clean and sober. WOOOT Woo Hoo! Fuckin A right and I feel Gooood da na na na nah! bum, bum bum, bumph!! The last time I drank was 9 months ago!! What a miracle. I have so much support from my family both on Peter's side and mine.

We had a grand 4th of July party yesterday thrown together at the last minute. Jared and his fiance, her sister, brother and father, Andrew, Uncle Solar and cousin Quin, and my dad. We made rice and shishkabobs, steak marinated in Peter's home made terriyaki sauce and bbq chicken. I told Peter he could sell his sauce it so freaking good. Way better than store bought terriyaki sauce and way better than restaurants. He told me to research on how to mass produce and market. i have no clue where to start but I know that he could make a fortune selling this stuff, i kid you not. I am guessing the best place to start would be some where like the State Fair and set up a booth with taste samples. I would even be willing to bottle it up real nicely with Japanese linens and ribbon. His brother would be the person to talk to about that so i will send him another email today. I am not certain if we have to get a license to distribute. For any one that would like a sample I can figure out how to ship it and keep it fresh. Since there are no preservatives it would need to be used fairly quickly unless we find a way to preserve it??? Any way we had so many firworks between all of us that it lasted for 2 and half hours. The best home show I have ever seen. We also had big ones shot over the top of our house. I am pretty certain they were illegal ones. I was scared one would come through the window. Poor Buzz was scared out of his wits so I had to put him in his kennel in the back yard. He wanted me to hold him but I was the one taking pictures and tending to Aiden who was alos a little frightened after the sparkler sparks dropped on his toe and burned him. We stayed in the back of Papa's SUV with the hatch open. he sat on the golf clubs and played with the balls and flash light while we watched. At the very end we had a power struggle over the camera nad I finally had to put him down. I think everyone had a good time. For extra special show of appreciation and love I set off some of Peter's fireworks when Aiden went to bed. He liked it very much!!

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