Saturday, July 15, 2006

No boating today

Peter had to go with out us because Aiden had a fever of 101.1 this am. I don't want to bring him out into 100 degree weather so Pete went with some co workers. We had originally invited his brother and his two kids. But his brother cancelled last night.....too depressed to go. Then after Peter invited other people the brother calls back and says he wans to go but then when he found out that me and Aiden weren't going he didn't want to go. Not sure what that is about. Maybe he just wanted the kids to be together but still it wouldn't have meant that they wouldn't enjoy themselves. We talked about giving him money again so when Peter talked to him he offered last night but the offer was declined. His brother is not keeping his head above water and he needs to do something, like get out from underneath the house or take a full time permanent job and see the kids on the weekends for a while. His brother is severly depressed and doesn't think clearly right now. We have all been talking to him, offering and ear, advise, etc. I am the only one if the family that he sends emails to and I think it is because there is no sibling rivalry there. I am pretty certain he is jealous of Peter but won't admit it.

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