Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Just got a call from Peter saying that uncle solar is coming home with him because he doesn't want his brother alone. He had also sched an appt with our old dr in Sac. I had recommended he see this doc some time ago as he most likely would have sample antidepressants. Yesterday he had court and the judge ordered him to pay his ex (the woman I am no longer friends with because she is a flake and I got tired of her bitching about Uncle Solar) $5500 for his share of child care. Peter calls her a ruthless bitch for it. The way I see it is he is responsible for paying child care during his weeks but he should have said to her a while ago I will pay you when I can intead of trying to fight it and piss her off. Anyways he has been depressed for quite some time and it has progressively gotten worse. Bad enough that Peter is now concerned and it takes a lot I would say to make him concerned. Peter had made the appt for 8 am. I was like what!!! Why so early. Shit I have to get Aiden up and over to day care and leave over an hour early. He said he would call the dr office back and try to get an appt an hour later or so. Thank you!!! I hadn't planned dinner since I am heading to my sponsers. I thought maybe I would get out of cooking for a change. I am just going to get everything ready for him to steam a veggie and boil ravioli's. It is too hard to time my leaving and their arrival.

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